90 min / Brazil / Portuguese

Directors: Zica Pires y Simone Giovine

Producer: Ana Barbara Ramos

Production Company: Pigmento Cinematográfico

The enlargement of a federal highway by the Brazilian government threatens the genocide of the Afro-descendant community of Santa Rosa. Zica, the young leader, returns to Guinea-Bissau to reunite with her ancestors. The dialogue with her past reveals the way to win her battle.

Zica Pires – Black woman, quilombola and community leader in Santa Rosa dos Pretos. Visual artist, popular educator, member of the Latin American Council of Social Sciences (CLACSO). “Minha carne sabe” is her first film work.

Simone Giovine – since 2013 working in Brazil in collaboration with a network of original, traditional and settled communities, developing films and campaign pieces for their approach.
