Cyrielle Raingou / 75’ / 2023 / Camerún, Francia

Direction: Cyrielle Raingou
Production: Véronique Holley, Dieudonné Alaka
Script: Cyrielle Raingou
Editing: Christine Bouteiller
Cinematography: Cyrielle Raingou
Sound: Hervé Guemeté

A group of children forge their own world amid the dangers of armed conflict. We meet Falta, studious and hardworking, who is struggling to come to terms with the death of her father in a terrorist attack. Her classmate, Ibrahim, and older brother, Mohamad, struggle to balance their childlike energy with a traumatic past that takes them away from the innocence of their eight and eleven years.

CYRIELLE RAINGOU. A Cameroonian filmmaker passionate about African cultural identity, she often uses legends and the symbolism of animals to unearth the complexity and mystery within humans. She holds master’s degrees in law and in documentary film directing and has directed short films such as Neighbors, presented in Cannes Film Festival. Her first feature length documentary, Le Spectre de Boko Haram, was premiered at Rotterdam, receiving the Tiger Award.
