Jürgen Ellinghaus / 96’ / 2023 / France, Germany and Togo

Direction: Jürgen Ellinghaus
Production: Les Films de l’Oeil Sauvage
Script: Jürgen Ellinghaus
Editing: Nina Khada
Cinematography: Rémi Jennequin
Sound: Caled Boukari

Togoland – Projections takes us to the territory of the former German colony of Togo. We follow the film expedition of director Hans Schomburgk,who shot documentary and adventure films there in 1913-1914. We show his films to today’s Togolese public, to question the film images regarding their historical background and the effects of colonialism. What do they show, what do they
conceal about “Togoland”, which at the time was praised as the “model colony” of the German Empire ?

JÜRGEN ELLINGHAUS, born in West Germany. From 1985 to 1997, he worked as freelance and author/producer for German and French public radio companies. Between 1995 and 2004, he was documentary program
manager for public and private TV companies in France and Germany. Since 2004, he is an independent documentary filmmaker.
