Rajan Kathet, Sunil Pandey / 79’ / 2023 / Nepal

Direction: Rajan Kathet, Sunil Pandey
Production: Gary Byung-seok Kam
Script: Rajan Kathet, Sunil Pandey
Editing: Kiran Shrestha
Cinematography: Babin Dulal
Sound: Kishore Acharya

All their neighbors moved south for the winter, but two widows have agreed to stay back because they have been appointed as caretakers of their empty village. Isolated and snowbound for a hundred days of winter, they have only each other for company and support. But their common past – they shared the same husband for fifty years – often comes up between them. As winter deepens, staying alive becomes a greater priority than guard duty.

RAJAN KATHET is a filmmaker based in Kathmandu. He graduated from the European Masters DOCNOMADS program. His short fiction film, Bare Trees In The Mist (2019), was shown at Toronto, Tampere, Hong Kong and the Short Shorts Film Festival & Asia.

SUNIL PANDEY is a Kathmandu-based screenwriter and filmmaker. He studied at the Oscar International College, specializing in Screenwriting and Direction. His graduation film, The Eternal Journey, was awarded at the Ekadeshma International Short Film Festival.
