Direction: Diego Bedoya
Production: Illiari Orccotoma / Fabiola Aliaga
Company: Viento Invierno
Country: Peru
Language: Spanish

A mining town refuses to disappear. An interprovincial driver, a new wave fanatic, travels along the highway. Two mining workers explore the ground in the search of a promised prize. A mythical musician returns to record an album. At night, new wave music resounds in the pubs of La Oroya.

Diego Bedoya. Graduated from Universidad de Lima with studies at Escuela Internacional de Cine San Antonio de los Baños (EICTV), Cuba. His short film Leche para Dos has won as Best Short Film in Festival de Cine de Lima and Festival Al Este and with an international premiere at Palm Springs International Shortfest in California. During 2018, he receives one of the awards at the DAFO National Short Film Competition of the Peruvian Ministry of Culture. As a screenwriter, he has collaborated in the feature film Sin Fortuna, winning script of the alternative production fund of the Peruvian Ministry of Culture. Currently, he is working in the development of his first feature film La Oroya, with which he has been part of the residence ARCHE / RAW organized by DocLisboa and Festival Márgenes.
