Pedro Speroni / 73’ / 2023 / Argentina

Direction: Pedro Speroni
Production: Pedro Speroni
Script: Pedro Speroni
Editing: Pedro Speroni
Cinematography: Pedro Speroni
Sound: Pedro Speroni

Iván Bilbao, 33 years old, walks down the corridor of a maximum-security prison to finally arrive at the prison gate. On the other side, a shattered family waits for him, after five years of absence. Back in his hometown, a confused Iván wanders between his home, and the possibility of recovering a lost version of himself. His wife, Yamila, and his daughter, Luz, will put Iván to the test in his search for a better destiny, which is glimpsed by the arrival of a son.

CYRIELLE RAINGOU. A Cameroonian filmmaker passionate about African cultural identity, she often uses legends and the symbolism of animals to unearth the complexity and mystery within humans. She holds master’s degrees in law and in documentary film directing and has directed short films such as Neighbors, presented in Cannes Film Festival. Her first feature length documentary, Le Spectre de Boko Haram, was premiered at Rotterdam, receiving the Tiger Award.
